Taco Bell joins the ranks of Burger King and Dominoes Pizza which have both experienced embarrassment online recently when employees have defiled food. Cameron Jankowski, a Taco Bell employee, allegedly Tweeted a photo of himself peeing on Taco Bell food. The group Anonymous linked Jankowski’s picture to a YouTube video which exposed Janowski’s personal details. …
Category: Health & Life
Nov 03
“Ex Day” Federal Holiday Approved by President Obama
Lobbying from the National Greeting Card Consortium for an “Ex Day” finally paid off on Thursday, as President Obama approved the new federal holiday. The second Sunday in January each year will now be the official day to celebrate past relationships. Because it will be celebrated on a Sunday, government workers will not receive pay …
Jul 18
Excedrin Shortage Causes Prices to Skyrocket over $300 a Bottle
Novartis, the company that manufactures Excedrin voluntarily recalled the product in December because bottles made at their Lincoln, Nebraska plant may have been contaminated with powerful prescription drugs made at the same factory. Immediately after the recall, bottles began selling online at sites such as Ebay for as much as $100 a bottle. Since Novartis …
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