Author's posts
Sep 15
Traver Food Group to Offer Candy Version of Tide Laundry Detergent Pods
In the wake of the rash of recent poisonings from the brightly colored bite-sized packages of Tide Laundry Detergent Pods, the country’s third largest confectioner, Traver Food Group, plans to capitalize on the gel laundry detergent’s appeal to young children. Tide and other manufacturers with similar product have been scrambling to rethink the packaging and …
Nov 17
Rabbit Saves N.J. Couple from Deadly Gas Leak
If not for an unlikely hero, a gas leak could have killed Jake and Mary Pruett, of Bridgeton, N.J., this past Saturday night. Dogs and cats are sometimes known for saving their families, but this time the champion was a pet bunny. At approximately 2:30 a.m. on Saturday night, Pruett stated that her pet rabbit …
Nov 03
“Ex Day” Federal Holiday Approved by President Obama
Lobbying from the National Greeting Card Consortium for an “Ex Day” finally paid off on Thursday, as President Obama approved the new federal holiday. The second Sunday in January each year will now be the official day to celebrate past relationships. Because it will be celebrated on a Sunday, government workers will not receive pay …
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