November 2013 archive

Using the Internet to Get Revenge

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Angry at your boss, coworker, ex, roommate or anyone else?  Now the internet offers a variety of ways to settle the score.  This article looks at a few websites that help you to get sweet revenge against someone who has wronged you. does not endorse any of these websites and you should use common …

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Rabbit Saves N.J. Couple from Deadly Gas Leak

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If not for an unlikely hero, a gas leak could have  killed Jake and Mary Pruett, of Bridgeton, N.J., this past Saturday night.  Dogs and cats are sometimes known for saving their families, but this time the champion was a pet bunny. At approximately 2:30 a.m. on Saturday night, Pruett stated that her pet rabbit …

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Taco Bell Employee Pees on Food then Posts Online

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Taco Bell joins the ranks of Burger King and Dominoes Pizza which have both experienced embarrassment online recently when employees have defiled food. Cameron Jankowski, a Taco Bell employee, allegedly Tweeted a photo of himself peeing on Taco Bell food. The group Anonymous linked Jankowski’s picture to a YouTube video which exposed Janowski’s personal details.  …

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