“Lost” Actor Matthew Fox Arrested for DUI

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“Lost” actor Matthew Fox was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence after being pulled over on Friday at 3:23 am in Bend, Oregon after an officer noticed that Fox was failing to signal properly or stay within a lane of traffic.

Matthew Fox

Fox has no other DUI convictions on his record, though last year he was accused of punching a bus driver after he wasn’t allowed onto a bus. He was not criminally charged, but the driver later filed a civil lawsuit against him.  Fox filed a countersuit claiming the bus driver hit him.

The 45 year old star was apparently going to a fast food restaurant for a snack.

Fox was taken into custody, but was released later the same day.

If convicted he could have his license suspended for 90 days.  He may also be required to attend alcohol education classes or have his car confiscated.

Fox’s court appearance scheduled for June 17.


3 pings

    • Jason on June 12, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    doesn’t have a chauffeur?

    • jordan acheter on June 13, 2012 at 6:10 am

    What a dumb rich guy.

    • Remote Viewer on June 19, 2012 at 10:27 am

    You’d think the dude could call a cab! Sounds like publicity to me.

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